What are veneers?

Veneers are light-weight thin layers of porcelain that fit over the front of your teeth. They can correct the smallest of imperfections to bigger flaws.

You can consider Cosmetic Dental Veneers as false nails for your teeth. They are a simple solution with a big impact on your smile.

  • Have you had a sports accident and have chipped your front tooth?
  • Do you hate the gaps between your teeth?
  • Or do you simply not like the shape of your teeth.

Veneers can fix all of these cosmetic issues.

A dentist fitting a porcelain veneer to a patient

Want to know how veneers can change your look?

Book in for your exclusive free consult today.

We’ll check your smile out and let you know the best approach.

Cosmetic Veneer Procedure

Initial Consultation

At the consult a thorough discussion is held between you and the dentist to determine your aims and concerns.

Veneer teeth preparation

The teeth are prepared for the veneers and you will leave with temporary caps whilst your custom veneers are made in our highly acclaimed dental lab.

Veneer fitting

This is the exciting bit and we at BFD love this appointment. Each of the custom veneers are tried in to make sure you are happy with the result then afterwards they are cemented on permanently. You won’t stop smiling now!

We strongly encourage attending your twice a year dental examination especially when you have had cosmetic veneers, so we can help ensure these last you well beyond their years.

Book in today for your smile consult and we will be glad to answer any questions you have.

Well done! This is the first step in attaining your new smile.

Cosmetic Veneer Costs

Veneers are an affordable way to quickly bring out your best possible smile.

If you only require 2 veneers for example, then expect to pay approximately $1,700-$1,900 per veneer. If you request more veneers, then a comprehensive Smile Design* is advised prior to proceeding with the tooth preparation.

* Smile design costs include study models, X rays, diagnostic wax-ups (mock ups), and a 2D file on your smile portfolio.

If you need to spread the costs then we have help at hand with ZipMoney and Denticare. More details are available on our Dentist Payment Plans page.

There is no obligation, so get all your questions asked when you book in for your smile consult.

A dentist fitting a porcelain veneer to a patient

Want to know how veneers can change your look?

Book in for your exclusive free consult today.

We’ll check your smile out and let you know the best approach.

Frequently Asked Questions - Veneers

Do veneers ruin your teeth?

Veneers are thinner that crowns so needs less tooth removal in order to attach them, but don’t panic… while there is a little bit of tooth preparation, it is so little sometimes that you may not even need local anaesthetic.

Preparation is normally in enamel, the outer layer of the tooth only, with this having little to no nerves. As per bonding, veneers may actually help restore some strength to your teeth, especially if your teeth are very thin and are starting to chip.

How do I eat with veneers?

You can enjoy most foods with veneers but always be aware of what foods you bite into.

Do not rip or tear meat with your veneers. Avoid hard, crunchy foods like chicken bones, ribs, muesli bars and avoid biting your nails or chewing pens.

Brush and floss twice a day, eat a healthy diet, and always visit your dentist at least twice a year.

What are disadvantages of veneers?

As veneers are thin in cross section they can be fragile. Our dentists will fabricate your custom veneers so they fit perfectly to blend in with the other teeth in the mouth. This prevents your other teeth biting too hard on your veneers thereby preventing fractures.