We love nice Bayside smiles!
Our Smile Design service is a dental procedure that redesigns your current smile using the latest in digital technologies to fix what you don’t like. You can have your smile and teeth whiter, straighter and can even close unsightly gaps with this design. Having this done will improve teeth appearance and function and certainly lift your self confidence.
What is Smile Design?
Smile design is a method to plan and formulate your brand new smile from a 2D image to create a 3D prototype.
We don’t just fit dental crowns to make your teeth whiter, no, we look at the whole face, teeth, gum line and lips to virtually attain the ideal relationship for total harmony.

Free Smile Design Consultation Offer!
Book now for an obligation FREE smile design consultation with one of our fully qualified dentists.
Bayside Family Dentistry’s Digital Smile Design process
This is advanced dentistry. The diagnostic planning is a fine art, planned to the millimetre to attain the absolute best result in every case. It is a multi-disciplinary effort between ourselves and our astute dental laboratory.
The result? The result is the correct balance and proportions to suit your face and smile. We know you will love the outcome! Let’s see the transformation!
In four simple visits you can have the smile you’ve always dreamed of:
- Visit 1: We take impressions (moulds) of your teeth, a series of smile photos and lastly X Rays of the teeth.
- Visit 2: A digital photo file is made showing you with your new future smile. Neat!
- Visit 3: Preparation day. This is when the teeth are prepared for your new smile. Local anaesthetic is used to numb the area and after the tooth preparation, an impression is taken and sent to our lab. Temporary crowns will be fitted for 1-2 weeks until your custom crowns arrive back.
- Visit 4: It’s the big day! The temporary crowns are removed and your permanent crowns are fitted with a dental cement. Your new smile is ready to be revealed.
How much does a Bayside Family Dentistry Smile Design cost?
Costing depends on how many teeth are included in the smile design.
The dental impressions, X rays and photos can be claimed on health funds and most of the cost can be rebated.
Please come in for a consultation or call us on (03) 9589 4472 if you are interested in this smile design service, for a more detailed estimate.

Free Smile Design Consultation Offer!
Book now for an obligation FREE smile design consultation with one of our fully qualified dentists.
Frequently Asked Questions - Smile Design
What is a full smile?
A full smile is a smile that fills the whole space between the lips. See your lips as the curtain dressing to the window. In a full smile we see 10-12 teeth with great lip support.
How do I get a perfect smile?
It depends on what you see as a perfect smile.
Some people might want whiter teeth and others want totally straight teeth, whereas some people simply want one tooth replace for the perfect smile. Others will want them sitting not ‘too’ straight for them to be perfect.
Call us or book in for your consultation where we can talk through your concerns.
What is Digital Smile Design?
Digital smile design is a treatment planning protocol that allows for precise analysis of facial and dental structures through state-of-the-art technology. It is a projective, patient centred design approach.