We can save your marriage!
Are you a long-suffering partner of a snorer?
Sleeping in separate rooms?
On a more serious note, we could also save your life!

What is snoring?
Snoring is the sound that occurs while someone is sleeping, it is actually the sound of the soft tissue at the back of the throat vibrating when air flows in and out. Severe snoring is likely due to OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnoea – or “Sleep Apnea” for our North American friends).
Okay, so what is Sleep Apnoea?
In simple terms apnea is another word for suffocation. Effectively, the airway is blocked by the soft tissues (tongue, palate, cheeks) especially when lying on your back. Men over 40 are more likely to have sleep apnoea than women as men tend to put weight on around their necks and stomach.
Long term nightly episodes of suffocation will likely lead to serious health problems. Amongst them, high blood pressure, migraines in the morning, heart disease, strokes, depression, and obesity. Others are dry mouth, irritability, change in personality, lack of concentration, sore facial muscles and daytime sleepiness.

Having trouble sleeping?
Book in for a consultation to review your snoring, sleep apnoea or any other sleeping difficulties you may be experiencing.
Is snoring common?
However studies are showing that only 10% of the population have been diagnosed for this condition, so there’s 90% of the population that don’t know they have it or are treating the conditions that are secondary to the sleep apnea! They attend the doctor to treat diabetes, insomnia, migraines etc… when the issue lays in their airways!
I think I snore, so what do I do?
Book an appointment with Dr Suzanne for an extended consult to find out your medical history, sleep patterns, dental examination, any other concerns you may have. We will refer you to an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) specialist for both assessment and sleep study.
Many people now realise after treating their snoring, what NORMAL sleep really is. Dr Suzanne is specially trained in making sleeping appliances to suit your specific needs.
You are more likely to snore if:
- You are overweight
- You have a small mandibular (or lower jaw)
- You take sedatives
- You have allergies (so nasal passages are swollen)
- Alcohol
- Airway obstruction
Take a quick test (the Epworth Sleepiness Scale)
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale is used to determine the level of daytime sleepiness.
A score of 10 or more is considered sleepy. A score of 18 or more is very sleepy. If you score 10 or more on this test, you should consider whether you are obtaining adequate sleep, need to improve your sleep hygiene and/or need to see a sleep specialist.
0 = would never doze or sleep.
1 = slight chance of dozing or sleeping
2 = moderate chance of dozing or sleeping
3 = high chance of dozing or sleeping
Print out the test below, fill in your answers and see where you stand. Make sure you bring your scores into us once you’ve booked your appointment with us.
Sitting and reading: ____
Watching TV: ____
Sitting inactive in a public place: ____
Being a passenger in a motor vehicle for an hour or more: ____
Lying down in the afternoon: ____
Sitting and talking to someone: ____
Sitting quietly after lunch (no alcohol): ____
Stopped for a few minutes in traffic while driving: ____
Total Score: _____ (add all the scores from above – this is your Epworth Score)
If you scored between 10 -18 do call us for more information (03) 9589 4472 or book a dental appointment with us and speak to us personally.

Having trouble sleeping?
Book in for a consultation to review your snoring, sleep apnoea or any other sleeping difficulties you may be experiencing.