With ageing, we see wrinkles caused by hyperactive muscles, sagging skin, loss of collagen, fat and skin lustre.
Have you noticed the downward pull of the corners of the mouth? Or the chin muscles are starting to dimple more?
Everyone ages the same but how fast, depends on the individual.
As the skin descends we see the folds, and sagging skin. This is where PDO threads can act.
Thread lifts or PDO threads ( PolyDioxanOne) are made from a biodegradable material the same used in surgical sutures.
A Korean surgeon who loved acupuncture saw the benefit, and since launched PDO threads for aesthetic face lift treatments in the 1990s.
Threads create a microtrauma in the skin causing inflamation. This is good!
We want inflammation to occur as this is how our bodies form collagen.
These threads are gradually broken down safely by the body over 6-9 months however the collagen bound to the thread creates the ‘hold, for anything up to 18-24 months.
This is the new non- surgical FACE LIFT.
(Results last longer with good home care. Individual results will vary)
‘Skin Rejuvenation’
Mono threads are used to improve skin tone, and resurface and to stimulate collagen.
‘ Face Lift’
COG threads are the mechanical lifters which lifts holds and suspends lax skin, reducing skin folds and jowls. The thread acts like a scaffold to the collagen also produced by the thread lift.
Initially once the first treatment to combat the descent process has been completed, then the lifted tissue, builds new collagen around it and is held there. The descent process will occur over the next 1-2 years but is now gradual, so when we see this occur we can simply place 1-2 additional threads. As long as you maintain good skin health after the first big treatment, you wont need to have that done again.
Also the earlier you start as a preventive measure , less lifting threads are needed over the course of the patients life.
Monothreads can be used as a maintenance treatment for skin rejuvenation at any time.