Want to fix your gappy teeth?

Smile Design | Bayside Family Dentistry

When we are hesitant to smile, we are also often seen as less friendly and less approachable.

Smiling is a lot easier for those individuals who possess healthy teeth and gums.

People who have gaps in their smile shy away and often don't smile at all.

Is this you?

Are you embarrassed?

People who want to smile but are too ashamed to show off a true smile. They may hold a hand over the mouth when talking to others as they are self-conscious.

If the gaps between your teeth bother you, we have the solutions to help get rid the gaps and we have them at BFD.

Dr. Suzanne takes a comprehensive approach to designing you a new smile. With our up to-date 3D smile design software, we can redesign your smile in 10 mins while you wait. Tell us what you require and we can show you.

Contact us today to get any of your smile related issues looked at.

We have many gappy teeth solutions ready for you today!