The Happiest Of Gases

Happy Gas!

Everyone deserves access to good quality dental care, and for many anxiety is a major factor in people not seeking dental treatment.
So people know and realise that they SHOULD seek treatment but their fear overrides what is best to do. So a very common scenario results in the treatment being unattended to, and patients often live with chronic pain and discomfort til such times when they have no choice but to have last-resort treatment. This is often more nerve-racking and often not a great outcome for the tooth or teeth and certainly makes the patient’s anxiety worse.

Nitrous oxide (N2O) was first used in an attempt to manage pain during a dental procedure in the year 1844. A dentist by the name of Horace Wells attempted to prove the suspected pain-relieving properties of nitrous oxide by inhaling the gas while having his own tooth removed. This experiment made Wells realize that nitrous oxide was not a strong pain-killer, yet it was very effective at inducing relaxation during dental procedures.

Uses for Happy Gas

  • Children and adults who are anxious
  • Children who can’t sit still for long periods
  • An adult who are having long procedures
  • Special needs patients
  • Just because

Advantages of Nitrous Oxide (N2O) in dental procedures

Nitrous oxide (or laughing gas) is a quick-acting sedative and very safe(*) and no side effects.

How Happy Gas works

The gas and air are delivered through a nose ‘space mask’ and takes effect after 3-4 mins. As long as you can breathe through your nose then the drug is taking effect. Nitrous oxide does not put you into a deep slumber. You will be awake throughout the procedure and, as happens quite often, you will enjoy a sense of happiness. Once the procedure is finished then pure oxygen is breathed for 5 mins so the gas can leave your body and you can then go home. Yes, you can drive yourself, however, we always like you to be accompanied home.

*not suitable for pregnancy and mouth breathers.

Still Undecided?

Then feel free to drop in for a discussion with either Caroline or Suzanne who’d be happy to walk you through it. They will even give you a demo of how it works, and you can trial the gas out prior to any treatment.

Warning! You might like too much tehe!!
