Do you play contact sports?
If so, many contact sports have risk of serious dental injury. These sorts of injuries are often difficult to treat as there is a crucial window of time to see a dental professional for the best success for the tooth or teeth.
Further, these injuries can guarantee a lifetime of expense. Call us to avoid any unnecessary damage!
Mouthguards protect you from dental damage!
Mouthguards can protect you from some serious sporting injuries, such as broken jaws, fractured, cracked or knocked-out teeth, cut lips and cheeks.
Even non-contact sports like soccer, cricket, basketball, netball, skateboarding and soccer, carry a real risk of accidental collision, and resulting dental trauma.
We have had experience with several young patients between ages 8-10 years old in recent years who have had trauma from playing on the basketball court. So all sports contact or non-contact, realistically have a risk of dental trauma.
We have seen first hand what a sports injury can do to a young tooth, the stress to the patient and family, and of course the continual lifetime of treatment that comes after trauma.
But, we have a solution: custom Mouth Guards, designed specifically to fit you perfectly.
Our custom made Sports Mouthguards
Our mouthguards are fabricated to a premier finish in our dental lab. You can have it made in your favourite colour, school sports team colour or your footy teams colours.
We provide many mouthguards to our young patients every year and we know they have saved hundreds of teeth from certain trauma.
Call us to book in for your child’s appointment for a new mouthguard.

How a mouthguard works
A custom-fitted mouthguard works by absorbing the impact of the injury, and is fabricated from an impression of your upper teeth by your dentist.
One of these mouth-guards professionally made by your dentist is far superior to an over-the-counter mouthguard because it’s specially designed to fit the exact contours of your mouth, is resilient, balances your bite and allows speech and normal breathing. If well looked after, a custom-fitted mouthguard should last years.
In contrast, over-the-counter mouthguards, or what are commonly known as boil-and-bite mouthguards, are not recommended. They are very loose as they are not a snug fit against the teeth. They can impede breathing and speaking and can even be fully dislodged during play.
Custom-fitted mouthguards fit exactly to your teeth, let you talk normally, don’t restrict your breathing and so they won’t distract you from playing. Sports teams and councils are now enforcing mandatory wear for professionally fitted mouthguards as part of their clubs policy.
Looking after your mouthguard
Some small steps to keep your sports mouthguard last longer include:
- keeping it out of the sun,
- wash it in cold water after use, and;
- get one of our fully qualified dentists to check its fit when you go in for your regular check-ups.
Only dental professionals can design and fabricate a high-standard mouthguard that provides the protection required.
Kids Mouthgauards

Back to school giveaway custom mouthguard Terms and Conditions
- Limit one kid’s custom mouthguard per family (normally valued at $150+)
- Kids must be between the ages of 8 to 16 years old
- Limited to 10 families, so first in best dressed!
- Offer extends to one colour custom mouthguard only. Multiple colours are at a $50 supplement cost.
- Cannot be allocated to any patient undergoing orthodontic treatment.